0 Hate your family (Luke 13-15)

Episode 259: Hate your family

Luke 13-15

Repent or be killed

13 1 Jesus had heard about some Galileans who were killed by Pilate while they were offering sacrifices. 2 Jesus said,

Do you suppose those Galileans were especially bad sinners?

3 Well, they weren't. And unless you repent, you're all going to die like that.

4 Or how about those eighteen people who were killed by the falling tower in Siloam.

5 Unless you repent, you're all going to die like that.

Jesus heals a woman on the sabbath

10 Jesus was teaching in a synagogue on the sabbath, where there was a woman who had been unable to walk for 18 years.

11 When Jesus saw her, he said, “Woman, you're cured of your illness.”

13 Jesus touched her and immediately she stood up straight.

14 The leader of the synagogue said to the people, “There are six days in the week on which to heal people. But not on the sabbath day.”

15 Jesus said,

You hypocrite! Don't you help an ox or ass get water on the sabbath?

16 Satan has bound this woman for 18 years. Why isn't it okay to heal her on the sabbath?

Jesus: On the third day I'll be perfected

31 Some Pharisees said to Jesus, “You'd better leave. Herod's going to kill you.” 32 Jesus said,

Tell that old fox that I'm casting out devils, curing today and tomorrow, and on the third day I'll be perfected.

33 But I must to go to Jerusalem, because that's where prophets go to die.

Jesus heals a man on the sabbath day

14 1-2 Jesus was eating dinner at the chief priest's house on the sabbath day, where there was a man who suffered from edema.

2 Jesus asked the lawyers and Pharisees, “Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath?”

4 But they didn't answer. So Jesus healed the man.

Don't take the best seat

7 Jesus told them this parable:

8 When you go to a wedding, don't take the best seat.

9 Because the host might say to you, “Let this person sit where you're sitting.” Then you'll have to sit in the worst place.

10 Instead, sit in the worst place. Then your host might say to you, “Come and sit in a better place.”

11 Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

12 When you have a feast, don't invite your friends, family, or neighbors. If you do, they'll invite you to their events.

13 Instead, when you have a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind.

14 They won't be able to pay you back, but you'll be rewarded in the resurrection of the just.

Hate your family and your life

25 A great crowd of people were following Jesus, when he turned and said,

26 If a man wants to be my disciple, he must hate his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, and his own life.

27 You must give up everything to be my disciple.

The lost coin

15 8 Jesus said,

What woman who has ten coins and loses one, doesn't look for the lost coin?

9 And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors and says, “Come rejoice with me, because I found a coin that I'd lost.”

10 Likewise, the angels will rejoice when one sinner repents.

The prodigal son

11 Jesus said,

A man had two sons.

12 The younger son said to his father, “I'd like my inheritance now.” And the father gave it to him.

13 The younger son then went away and wasted the money on riotous living.

14 Then there was a famine and the son had nothing.

15 So he got a job feeding pigs.

16 He was so hungry he ate the pig's food.

17 He finally decided to go home to ask for his father's help.

20 When his father saw him coming, he ran and kissed him.

21 The son said to his father, “I'm no longer worthy to be called your son.”

22 But the father told his servants,

Bring my son the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. 23 Kill the fatted calf. Let's eat and be merry!

24 Because my son was dead and now he's alive. He was lost, and now he's found.

25 The older son heard the music and dancing.

26 And said to a servant, “What's going on?”

27 The servant said, “Your brother has come home, and your father is rejoicing.”

28 The older brother was angry, and said to his father,

29 I've served and obeyed you all these years, yet you never killed a calf or had a party for me. 30 But now my little brother comes home after living with harlots, and you kill the fatted calf for him.

His father said to him,

You're always here; all that I have is yours.

32 But your brother was dead, and now he's alive. He was lost, and now he's found.

A few more words about this episode

Galileans killed by Pilate and the falling tower of Siloam (13:1-4)
These incidents are not recorded elsewhere in the gospels or in any other account.

Things I left out that were presented in previous episodes:

The figless fig tree (13:6-9)
See Mt 21:18-22, Episode 244; Mk 11:12-14, Episode 253
A mustard seed (13:18-19)
See Mt 13:31-32, Ep 240; Mk 4:30-21, Ep 250
Heaven is like yeast (13:20-21)
See Mt 13:33, Ep 240
Most people go to hell (13:22-30)
See Mt 7:13-14, Ep 236
The great supper (14:15-24)
See Mt 22:1-10, Ep 245
Salt is good (14:34-35)
See Mt 5:13-16, Ep 235; Mk 9:50, Episode 253
The lost sheep (15:1-7)
See Mt 18:12-14, Ep 243
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