0 SAB - Drunk with Blood: God's killings in Ezra

God's Killings in The New Testament

Christians tend to ignore the Old Testament, and it's not hard to see why. But the New Testament God is still a killer; he's just saving most of his killings for later -- for the end of the world. And the the New Testament God kills, he doesn't just kill his victims; he tortures them forever after they die.

Still, there are three New Testament killings: Ananias and his wife, Sapphira, for not giving all their money to the church; Herod Aggripa, for not giving all the glory to God; and Jesus, because God needed someone to kill as a sacrifice to himself.

Here are the killings:

  1. Ananias and SapphiraZZZ
  2. Herod AggripaZZZ
  3. JesusZZZ

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