0 How many mighty men did David have?

How many mighty men did David have?

537. How many mighty men did David have?


Thirty six mighty men are listed in 2 Samuel 23:8-38
  1. The Tachmonite aka Adino the Eznite v.8
  2. Eleazar the son of Dodo v.9
  3. Shammah the son of Agee v.11
  4. Abishai v.18
  5. Benaiah the son of Jehoiada v.20
  6. Asahel v.24a
  7. Elhanan v.24b
  8. Shammah v.25a
  9. Elika v.25b
  10. Helez v.26a
  11. Ira the son of Ikkesh the Tekoite v.26b
  12. Abieze v.27a
  13. Mebunnai v.27b
  14. Zalmon v.28a
  15. Maharai v.28b
  16. Heleb v.29a
  17. Ittai v.29b
  18. Benaiah the Pirathonite v.30a
  19. Hiddai v.20b
  20. Abialbon v.31a
  21. Azmaveth v.31b
  22. Eliahba v.32a
  23. Jonathan v.32b
  24. Shammah v.33a
  25. Ahiam v.33b
  26. Eliphele v.34a
  27. Eliam v.34b
  28. Hezrai v.35a
  29. Paarai v.35b
  30. Igal v.36a
  31. Bani v.
  32. Zelek v.37a
  33. Nahari v.37b
  34. Ira an Ithrite v.38a
  35. Gareb v.38b
  36. Uriah v.39


These be the names of the mighty men whom David had ... thirty and seven in all. 2 Samuel 23:8-39

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