0 Skeptic's Annotated Bible / Quran / Book of Mormon

The Son of Man ... will reign till he descends on the earth to put all enemies under his feet, which time is nigh at hand. but the hour and the day no man knoweth, neither the angels in heaven, nor shall they know until he comes. Doctrine & Covenants 49:6

Trivia: According to the three grand keys that are provided in Section 129, how can you tell if a messenger from God is an angel, the spirit of a just man made perfect, or the devil?

Sex in the The Mormon Scriptures (10)

    1 Nephi

  1. God tells Lehi to send his sons back to Jerusalem to get some women. 7:1
  2. After the spirit showed Nephi the exceedingly white tree and virgin, it blathered on a bit about "the condescension of God" and whatnot. Then it told Nephi that the white virgin "is the mother of the Son of God, after the manner of the flesh." (Does this mean that God the Father had sex with Mary "after the manner of the flesh?") 11:18
  3. 2 Nephi

  4. "The Lord will discover their secret parts." 13:17
  5. "The Lord [will] shave with a razor ... the head and hair of the feet." "Hair" and "feet" are biblical euphemisms for pubic hair and male sexual organs, respectively. 17:20
  6. Isaiah has sex with a prophetess who conceives and bears a son.  18:3
  7. Alma

  8. The queen "desired him [Amalickiah] that he should come in unto her." 47:23
  9. Doctrine & Covenants

  10. Some of you are adulterers and adulteresses. 63:14
  11. Whoever looks at a woman with lust has commited adultery in their hearts. 63:16
  12. You [Joseph Smith] asked me [God] about adultery. Here is my answer: If a man receives a wife in the new and everlasting covenant, and if she has sex with another man that I haven't appointed to her, then she has committed adultery and must be killed. 132:41
  13. If she isn't in the new and everlasting covenant and she has sex with another man, she has committed adultery. 132:42

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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

Send comments to Steve Wells
at swwells(at)gmail.com